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Phone: 816-353-6826

What does a class look like? Who is Bruce Luedeman? Click on the video to find out!

Family and Firearm Education are priorities at Safe Shoot...
All of the Instructor classes are a "Family Oriented” atmosphere with no profanity, windy war stories or egos allowed. I recognize that hundreds of Instructor Candidates that have come through my classes are planning on using the firearms training credential as a second income teaching concealed carry and other firearms classes.
If you are enrolling in an NRA class all of the NRA material will be covered in the class plus you will also receive information on how to develop a business model and “guerrilla” marketing tips that have worked for me. In addition, the candidate will understand how to run a firing line, supervise Range Safety Officers, plus common shooting and Safety errors new students make. Whether you are working for someone else or independently all of the class information is geared toward making you a professional trainer rather than a hobbyist.
Business casual attire for all class is strongly encouraged and 5-11’s, Dockers, or slacks are perfect with a polo shirt or shirt with a button-down collar. If you are in the military or a LEO a utility uniform is encouraged if you prefer.
If needed, I am also available by phone, email or text if you need extra technical assistance after class to get your business past those first initial starting challenges. I have had instructors call me from the classroom and range with urgent questions. No problem. If your question is urgent to you, it is to me also.
Hint: The old phrases, “There’s no such thing as an Easy Buck” and “Patience and Perseverance are the first steps to Success” are very true.
My classes have sometimes been described as taking a drink from a fire hose. Plan on taking a lot of notes and there is an overnight assignment with some classes.
There are many fine NRA Training Counselors doing classes. Have in mind what your teaching and business goals are; then don’t hesitate to ask about a Counselor’s past business experience and training background. Find the trainer that teaches to the method and business goals you have in mind.
Please refer to my bio page. For an explanation of the prerequisites and requirements for the programs I offer, please refer to the video introductions on my YouTube channel at
Thanks and I hope to see you in class!
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